Yard Work in New York – David Dascher of upstate New York was charged with New York DWI after being spotted rolling down the street on his riding mower, beer in hand. Besides the driving while intoxicated charge, he was fined for littering.
Trying the court’s patience in Pennsylvania – Paula Davis, 38, of Pittsburgh, signed a plea agreement for her Pennnsylvania DUI that required electronic monitoring. While being taken for installation of the monitor she was given a routine breath test. It registered a blood alcohol content over twice the legal limit. Davis said she had become frustrated waiting in the courtroom and had a “few vodkas” during lunch. She was sent to jail.
Drive thru in California – On a Saturday night, a motorist made an appearance at the Jewel Box Bar by crashing through a wall. The driver then attempted to back up and leave. He was charged with California DUI after drug paraphernalia was found in his SUV. No one was injured and the San Diego bar owner is hoping insurance will pay for most of the damage.
Sharing the road in Pennsylvania – Around 6:30 pm, a drunk driver hit an Amish couple in their horse-drawn buggy near Strasburg, drove more than a mile, hit another buggy occupied by a family and then continued on before being stopped by state police. Michael Lee Craig, 34, of Nottingham, was charged with Pennsylvania DUI after striking the buggies with his sport-utility vehicle. There were only minor injuries though one horse broke loose and was killed after being hit by two cars.
No leg to stand on in Seattle – Washington state police stopped a 300-pound legless man for suspicion of drunk driving. The 31-year old man said he had been at a party where he sat in his car and drank. A breath test showed his BAC was three times the legal limit. But he refused to get out of his car to be arrested for DUI. He rejected use of a wheelchair because it wasn’t his. Family members, including his mother, were called to the scene but they eventually gave up trying to help and left. Police reinforcements were then requested to haul the hefty man from his car. He continued to resist, spitting on the officers. After being muzzled and tied to a stretcher, the man was taken to a nearby hospital.