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Its not just in Texas. These “officers” came to my house, arrested me in my house, for someone complained I was driving irraticly/on the shoulder…. well, CA drivers pas me across double yellow lines,fingers, headlights flashing. I REFUSE to go over the speed limint!! I am 70, never drove these dangerous winding roads,/e.g. two automobiles drove over,plunged into the lake in Sonora this summer….there is more, U dont see it in the newspapers/ SO when moving here I drove just as much on the shoulder , whenever it was possible, as i drove on the road. IAMSTILLDOGIT!!!!!!/Will never admit it to MVD, who is after me right now/…refuse to go over the speed limint. /hey, gas is too expensive by the way/…Sometimes I have to drive real real slow /Ihate to do it/ on the shoulder and wait till all cars pas me by…even took a defensive drivng course.
Well some former old frt, no gentlemen “bigshot” in this little country town, reported me to police for bad driving…The “pigs/dogs” came, …AND at the time I dd not know why,the did not tell me…!!!! /me single 70 yrs old gamma . ..alone… G
OOD shape though guys!!/ , they went through my home, looking forwhatever,just like the KGB did in my childhood, and since I was somewhat drunk, drinking at my home!!!!!!!!!! /do it at least once a week, also had some bad news../ these so called policeman arrested and charged me w/ “DUI”…How that can be????? “D” is supposed to mean: d r i v i n g….what criminals our police became???? is this all about money????!!..scary. In my youth in America, we were able to go to our police w/ any concern even personal problem. True we always lived in a nice neighbourhood where our /yah, middle aged/ policeman were looked at as gentlemen…/ Still this is not right. NEVER EVER I will trust a policeman again, especially not in CA…maybe that is how they can make money, distroying other peoples lives. At some point I will tell my tree wonderful /”A” students!!/ grndsons about this, not now, for they are too little, and they might need these /monsters,idiots/ creatures…but I will later, tell them never ever ever trust these people. Gamma