Yuma Police Get A High Tech Police Car to Combat Drunk Driver's in Arizona

High Tech DUI Police CarThe Yuma Police Department has a new vehicle for its fight against motorists suspected of driving drunk in Arizona. What appears to be just another police cruiser is actually a specialized vehicle containing state-of-the-art equipment. While its primary function will be to DUI enforcement in Yuma County, the vehicle will also be used in traffic enforcement, looking for speeders, red light runners and aggressive drivers.

The cruiser has emergency lights mounted along the inside, top edge of the front windshield rather than the roof, a computer with two monitors, special lights for side visibility, a digital mobile video system linked to two cameras for recording traffic stops arrests and a Doppler radar. The radar allows officers to scan traffic in both directions simultaneously and it automatically identifies the fastest cars in its range.

The drivers of the vehicle are also unique. The designated DUI team has been trained to draw blood samples to check blood alcohol content of suspected drunk drivers, and are trained in drug recognition.

The cruiser was paid for through a $40,000 grant from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

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