Tough Maryland Drunk Driving Law Starts This Weekend

A new Maryland DWI law goes into effect this weekend that is aimed at reducing the number of underage drunk drivers. Starting Sunday, drivers under the age of 21 who are found guilty of driving under the influence of either alcohol or drugs will lose their driver’s license for one year. Subsequent offenses will result in having the license suspended for two years.

The Maryland DWI law was passed by the Maryland General Assembly last April and signed into law by the governor. Previously minors charged with a first-time Maryland DWI lost their driver’s license for a maximum of six months.

According to studies, of all alcohol or drug related traffic accidents in Maryland, approximately 12% involve teenagers.

The new bill "hits teenage drivers where it hits them the most – the loss of a driver’s license," said Kurt Gregory Erickson, president of the Washington Regional Alcohol Program.

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