Testing a friendship in Oregon – Police suspect drunk driving in the case of William Robert Madison IV, who, while speeding at 2:30 in the morning, careened off a highway and crashed into a house near Clackamas, Oregon. The car then caught fire. The awakened occupants of the house pulled Madison from the burning vehicle and put out the fire. The Volkswagen Jetta Madison was driving had been borrowed from a friend.
Two people who should know better in Wisconsin – Police arrested former Dane County Supervisor Patrick DePula for drunk driving. DePula called his DUI defense attorney Rick Petri. Petri arrived at the police station drunk. According to police, both men were released to a ‘responsible party’ after being charged with first-offense Wisconsin DUI.
Going from bad to worse in Washington – Port Orchard police were summoned to Mako’s Bar around 3:00 am to investigate an ongoing assault. That lead to drunk driving charges against Darrell Neal Hunsaker, 27, who reportedly hit a car behind the bar, continued driving and struck another car nearby hard enough to damage two more cars and take down power lines. Hunsacker was arrested at gunpoint after his car rolled to a stop and the engine died. He was charged with four counts of hit and run, Washington DUI and making threatening remarks to the arresting officer.
Mixing vices with perversions in New York – 58-year Kenneth T. Dunne from Mohegan Lake parked his car next to a car at a Dunkin Donuts that was occupied by two teenage girls. Dunne then proceeded to engage in a sex act with himself. Police were summoned but Dunne had left by the time they arrived. He didn’t make it far however, as police were then alerted to a minor accident at a nearby gas station that involved a drunk driver in vehicle matching the description of Dunne’s. On top of a felony New York DWI, Dunne faces charges of public lewdness and endangering the welfare of a child.