Missoula, Montana – Adam Lundgren, 42, was cited for DUI around 5:00 pm and released to a sober friend. However, he jumped from his friend’s car and went drinking. Around 10:00 pm he wrecked his car and was arrested for a second DUI by the same officer who stopped him 5 hours earlier. Lundgren posted bail and was released but was sent back to jail after showing up drunk at his arraignment two days later.
Marburg, Germany – A 45-year old man drove a borrowed car to a police station to reclaim his stolen car. At the station, officers noticed alcohol on his breath. When his blood alcohol content registered over the legal limit, he was charged with drunk driving and his driver’s license and keys were confiscated. Four hours later police were surprised to see the same man driving again. A new breath test showed he had an even higher BAC and he was charged with a second drunk driving offense.
White Lake, New York – How about two New York DWI charges from one vehicle? Witnesses alerted police to a hit-and-run accident where the female driver who caused the crash switched places in the car with a male passenger and drove off. Shortly after, Sullivan County Sheriff’s deputies stopped Martin Kunik, 59, found him to be intoxicated and charged him with misdemeanor DWI. Based on what witnesses had described, police also tested the BAC of Ellen Friedman, 54, and ticketed her for drunk driving.
Westchester County, Connecticut – Police made two unrelated DWI arrests at one accident scene. Matthew Siden, 18, wrecked his vehicle and was cited for driving while intoxicated. While police were conducting an investigation of the accident, another drunk driver happened upon the scene. Claudio O. Tacuri-Arpi failed to obey a traffic device and was arrested for his second Connecticut DWI in less than sixty days.