This Weeks Peculiar Drunk Driving Stories

Twice in three hours in Louisiana – Around 10:30 pm Tangipahoa Parish deputies arrested Richard M. Pierson at a DWI checkpoint, charged him with Louisiana DWI and released him on his own recognizance. Around 1:40 am Pierson was charged with a second drunk driving offense while attempting to drive a different vehicle through the very same DWI checkpoint.

Twice in three hours in Tennessee – Around 4:30 pm, a Marion County Trooper stopped Craig McDiffett for swerving while driving and charged him with Tennessee DUI after he admitted to mixing anti-psychotic pills and vodka. McDiffett is booked around 6:00 pm and then released shortly after 7:00 pm when his wife posted bond. Less than three miles from the jail, McDiffett crashed a truck into a tree along an interstate highway. After being airlifted to a local hospital he was charged with his second DUI for the day.

Twice in one day in North Carolina – Gaston County police charged James Smith with North Carolina DWI after a breath test revealed he had a blood alcohol content above the legal limit. He was released after promising to return to court. Five hours later, Smith’s neighbors described him as a falling down drunk yet that did not stop him from getting in his truck and driving off. Smith was stopped less than half a mile away by the same police officer from earlier in the day, at which time Smith jumped out of his truck and attempted to push it through an intersection. After being booked for his second DWI, he confessed, “I was so intoxicated I didn’t even know what my name was.”

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