Antonio Bryant, wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers, was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving around midnight Sunday. A San Mateo police officer entering US Highway 101 in Redwood City spotted Bryant as he sped by in an orange Lamborghini at well over 100 mph.
The officer was unable to catch the speeding car so he radioed ahead and another patrol car stopped Bryant in San Mateo. Bryant, 25, was initially stopped for speeding, though, according to San Mateo Capt. Kevin Raffaelli, “officers noticed signs that he was under the influence and tried to get him to cooperate.” Bryant reportedly became "uncooperative, combative and verbally abusive.” He refused to get into the police cruiser after being handcuffed and had to be restrained with leather straps.
He now faces misdemeanor charges of reckless driving, driving under the influence and resisting arrest.
Bryant refused to perform breath test, which according to California DUI laws results in a one-year suspension of a driver’s license, even for first time DUI offenders. He also declined to provide a blood sample while in jail.
The 49er wide receiver has a reputation for showing his temper. He has complained about not being thrown more passes and yelled at the media after losses. Perhaps his most notorious moment came when he threw a sweaty jersey in the face of Dallas Cowboys head coach Bill Parcells in June of 2004 and had to be escorted off the practice field by security. Bryant was traded to the Cleveland Browns shortly after.
Bryant was released from San Mateo County Jail on his own recognizance. The District Attorney’s office is reviewing the case to determine what charges will be filed. Bryant is scheduled to be arraigned in late December.