Repeat DWI Offender Arrested Again Just After Prior Conviction

Repeat DWI Offender Arrested Again Just After Prior Conviction

diana quinnA repeat DWI offender who was just convicted of her second DWI was charged with another DWI on March 14, 2013 in Montgomery County, Texas. Diana Quinn is now facing a felony DWI charge after being pulled over by a DPS trooper for drunk driving yet again. According to Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, a DPS trooper witnessed the repeat DWI offender driving erratically and had just left the same lounge she’d been drinking at before getting her second DWI. Quinn’s third DWI arrest was apparently so close to her prior arrest that her criminal record had not yet been updated.

Apparently, when the trooper initially placed Quinn under arrest for what he thought was only her second DWI arrest, she notified him of her conviction that had taken place just days before. Although Quinn refused to submit a blood sample, the arresting officer was able to obtain one anyway since her charge had been elevated to felony DWI. Like many other law enforcement agencies throughout the nation, Montgomery County enforced a strict No-Refusal policy for St. Patrick’s Day that required drivers to submit blood samples in nearby BAT vans to be administered by nurses. County officials have stated that they’ve seen a 50% decrease in intoxication manslaughter charges since the program was implemented four years ago.

If you have been arrested for driving drunk, contact an experienced and skilled Texas DWI attorney for legal assistance.

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