A Brownsville police lieutenant was charged with driving while intoxicated in Texas after a traffic stop in The Valley. Lt. Adrian Mascorro was stopped for speeding on Expressway 77/83 near San Benito on Friday night. The investigating trooper detected the possible presence of alcohol and asked Mascorro to perform a series of field sobriety tests. Based on his performance during those tests, Mascorro was arrested for suspected drunk driving in Texas.
Mascorro was traveling with his family at the time, and since one of the vehicle occupants was under the age of 15, he was charged with felony DWI. He was booked at the Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center around 1:00 am and was released around 3:00 am after posting bond. Mascorro has been placed on administrative leave, and an investigation will be conducted in keeping with department policy.
Mascorrro has expressed regret to his family and the police department over the Texas DWI incident.
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