Pittsburgh Mayoral Candidate AJ Richardson Gets DUI
AJ Richardson, a mayoral candidate for the city of Pittsburgh, was arrested and charged with DUI on April 3, 2013. Richardson was arrested after police responded to a call about a vehicle stopped in the middle of Steuben Street and found Richardson slumped over the steering wheel unconscious, with the engine running. After the officers blew their horn to no response, one of them proceeded to yell and tap on the glass in an attempt to wake Richardson up. Police say that when Richardson woke up, he displayed several symptoms of alcohol intoxication and struggled to pull out his driver’s license. Officer Suzensky said that the mayoral candidate failed several field sobriety tests and almost fell over while attempting to complete two of them.
The arresting officers also noted that the front of Richardson’s vehicle appeared to be damaged, as if he had struck something prior to them finding him. AJ Richardson said that the arrest was merely an attempt to “discredit” him and that he had “no reason to apologize“. Officer Suzensky also said that while Richardson was at the special deployment division for addition testing, he became verbally hostile and said “let me talk to someone who’s in charge because ya’all brothers are subservient to the white man…you should have some back bone and be a voice for the black people“. AJ Richardson did not have an attorney with him at a preliminary arraignment and said that he will stay in the mayoral race because “God is on my side“. Richardson is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on April 10.
If you have been arrested for driving drunk, contact an experienced and skilled Pennsylvania DUI attorney for legal assistance.