Phoenix DUI News: Glen Campbell Sentenced to Jail for Arizona DUI

Glen Campbell entered a guilty plea to drunk driving in Arizona and being in a hit-and-run accident. He was sentenced to 10 nights in jail and two years of probation. He is also required to perform 75 hours of community service and pay a $900 fine.

Campbell was involved in a minor accident on November 24 and he fled the scene. He was later arrested at his Phoenix home and charged with driving under the influence. His blood alcohol content registered 0.20%. The legal limit is 0.08 and Arizona DUI laws stipulate a BAC above 0.15% as Extreme DUI.

Campbell is permitted to leave the jail between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m on a work furlough. The country singer maintains a regular musical rehearsal and practice schedule. Campbell will begin serving his sentence in early July. He is prohibited from consuming alcohol during probation.

During the sentencing, Campbell told the judge,

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