The DUI and jail saga of Paris Hilton took yet another twist as the judge in her case ordered her back to jail. Hilton was visibly shaken and screamed, “It’s not right!” She then cried out for her mother.
Hilton was unexpected released from jail shortly after midnight early Thursday morning due to an undisclosed medical condition. LA Sheriff Lee Baca authorized the release of Hilton and the imposition of house arrest for the remainder of her jail sentence. That upset Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer who had explicitly denied Hilton the option of house arrest at the time of sentencing. It also created a firestorm of criticism from the public, the sheriff’s deputies union, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, civil rights leaders and defense attorneys.
Judge Sauer issued the order for Hilton to return to court Friday and to show cause why Baca shouldn’t be held in contempt of court. During the day’s hearing the city attorney presented a complaint that Sheriff Baca did not have authorization to release Hilton.
Hilton was initially allowed to be in phone contact with the court during today’s proceedings but then a police squad car was dispatched to pick her up. She was taken to court in handcuffs, casually dressed and with disheveled hair. She cried throughout the hearing and was taken from the courtroom screaming after being ordered back to jail to serve her entire 45-day sentence.