Celebrity Paris Hilton was sentenced to three years probation after pleading not guilty to California DUI. The charge was reduced from driving under the influence to alcohol-related reckless driving.
Hilton, whose plea was entered in court by her California DUI defense attorney, was fined and ordered to attend 12 classes in an alcohol education program. In addition, Hilton is prohibited from driving with any measurable blood-alcohol content and she cannot refuse to take a breath test. The judge also offered her the option of reducing her probation to 24 months if she completed 40 hours of community service.
Hilton, 25, was arrested for DUI last September after being stopped for driving erratically. She reportedly failed a field sobriety test and her breath test registered 0.08, the legal threshold for drunk driving in California.
A no-contest plea is not an admission of guilt but in California it is the legal equivalent to pleading guilty when determining sentencing.