OctoMom Nadya Suleman Headed to Rehab
Nadya Suleman, better known as TV personality Octomom, is headed to a rehabilitation center after her father publicly expressed concern over her drinking habits. However, it turns out that Suleman has checked into the Chapman House Drug Rehabilitation Center for a Xanax addiction. Before admitting herself to the treatment facility, Suleman’s father left a voicemail with Gina Bryson, a Rossmoor mother who had watched his daughter’s children. In the voicemail, Suleman’s father can be heard saying, “Gina, this is me, Ed. I’m worried about Nadya. She’s not answering the phone. And I really worry about her. Sometimes she starts drinking vodka, whatever, so maybe she should not be driving.”
Apparently, Suleman was originally prescribed Xanax to treat anxiety and stress that she attributes to being a single mom on welfare. Suleman has struggled with alcohol abuse in the past and even admitted once that she would be unable to drive her kids home after having too much to drink at a party. Bryson has stated that she often saw the Octomom intoxicated after indulging in her favorite drinks, vodka and cranberry juice as well as wine. When Bryson, as well as several other nannies, came forward to authorities expressing concern over the well-being of her 14 children, Suleman claimed they were all nothing but gold diggers. Now, while the TV Octomom spends a few weeks in the rehab center, her kids will be watched by 3 seperate nannies and 2 of her friends.
If you have been arrested for driving drunk, contact an experienced and skilled California DUI attorney for legal assistance.