The Ennis Police Department has started a program that reduces the time for processing cases of driving while intoxicated in Texas. LEADRS (Law Enforcement Advanced DUI/DWI Reporting System) is on on-line system tailored for the needs of law enforcement agencies. The centralized database allows police to file paperwork and retrieve information on Texas DWI arrests.
In addition to time efficiency, LEADRS provides forms for officers to complete, making gathering of pertinent info and subsequent prosecution of drunk driving offenses easier. The forms feature drop down menus with pre-filled fields and check boxes, reducing the need for typing. The system automatically creates official forms needed for booking and prosecution.
LEADRS allows officers to both upload and retrieve statewide data from any computer with internet access, in real-time.
A spokesperson for the Ennis Police Department said the system has halved the time needed for completing Texas DWI paperwork. That allows officers to spend more time on the streets.
The Texas Department of Transportation provides grants allowing law enforcement agencies throughout Texas to use the LEADRS program free of charge.
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