New Driving Laws
Motorland January/February 1996
California is prepared to return to its pre-1973 speed limits. Speeds
up to 70 mph on some roads may reappear after study by Caltrans and the
Law Enforcement
Authorities can set up sensor-operated camers at traffic signals.
Cameras could photograph drivers and license plates of vehicles that fail
to stop; registered owners would be cited by mail. If the person cited
wasn’t driving, it is up to him/her to prove it.
Be Aware Of How This Law Works: It can cost more than the price of a
ticket. Paying the fine will result in a point on your driving record and
possibly increased insurance premiums.
The photograph is not included in the mailed citation: to see it, the
recipient must go to where it’s being held – usually the issuring
Child Support and Licenses
Motorists who are in arrears for child support applying for a new
driver’s license or for renewal will be given a temporary license good
for 150 days in order to give them the opportunity to clear the back
Higher Fines
Significantly higher traffic fines in certain location my result from SB
414 (Thompson, D-Napa Valley. Portions of State Route 37, 4, and 74 are
“safety enhancement double fine zones.”. This means that fines bouble for
traffic violations and, in case of an infraction, the penalty will be one
category higher than the penalty established in current law.
The safety belt law is here to stay. New law continues primary
enforcement of the law requiring motorist to wear safety belts. This bill
means that for now and into the future, enforcement of the safety blt law
will remain the same: Motorists can be stopped and cited if not wearing
their safety belts.