Moody Blues drummer found not guilty of Florida DUI

Graeme Edge, drummer for the British rock band Moody Blues, had the charge of Florida DUI dismissed by jurors after a two-day trial.

On February 25, 2006, Edge, a resident of Bradenton since 1998, played with his bandmates in Sarasota. He was thrilled for the opportunity to “show off in front of all my friends.” After the concert, Edge went to a local bar and purportedly had one drink. As he returned home he was stopped at a sobriety checkpoint. Edge reportedly failed a field sobriety test and two breath tests showed a blood alcohol content above the legal limit.

His DUI defense attorneys cited an injury to Edge’s neck that resulted in slight paralysis on the left side of his body. Police did not question Edge, 66-years old, about any physical disabilities at the time of the arrest. Edge did poorly with the field sobriety tests while reconstructing them in his doctors’ offices. His attorneys also questioned the accuracy of the Breathalyzer. The machine used on the night of Edge’s arrest was 16 years old.

The jury deliberated for two hours before returning a not-guilty verdict. In response to the verdict, Edge said, “I fought this case mostly because I am against the police going on fishing expeditions. I think people should commit a crime before being arrested.”

Edge formed the Moody Blues with Justin Hayward and John Lodge in Birmingham, England in 1964. The band has had 18 platinum records that propelled them to over 55 million album sales worldwide. Their hits include Nights in White Satin and I’m Just a Singer (in a Rock and Roll Band).

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