TOKYO, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) — A mobile phone with a breath analyzer is
getting popular among transport firms in Japan as it can help the
companies conduct tele-checks on the drivers’ breath to prevent drunk
The system, developed by a major mobile phone operator NTT DoCoMo Inc,
has been introduced to 15 companies since its launch about three months
ago. Dozens more bus and transport companies also mull buying it, the
Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said Sunday.
To use it, the driver first makes a video-phone call to his or her
company and breathes into the analyzer connected to the phone. The video
image showing the driver blowing into the analyzer and data regarding the
alcohol concentration on his or her breath are transmitted to the firm
and confirmed by the computer there.
If the alcohol concentration level exceeds the limit, 0.15 milligram
per liter in Japan, a warning letter in red is displayed on the
As the company can see video image, it is almost impossible for the
driver to have someone else breath into the analyzer for him. The system,
costing about 270,000 yen (about 2,290 U.S. dollars), therefore can allow
companies conduct accurate tests even when drivers were on long hauls and
could not return to office, the report said.
Editor: Yao Runping Source:
New device combats drunk driving in Japan
TOKYO, Oct. 1 (UPI) – A new cell phone device is proving popular with
bus and transport companies in the fight against drunk driving in Japan,
the Yomiuri Shimbun reported.
The device consists of a cell phone attached to a breath analyzer
developed by NTT DoCoMo Inc. As public awareness of the dangers of
intoxicated driving is growing throughout Japan, the Construction and
Transport Ministry has tightened administrative punishments for transport
companies, the report said. One of the measures was a possible suspension
in business for companies that allowed employees to drive while
To use the new system, the driver makes a video-phone call to the
company, then breathes into the analyzer connected to the cell phone. The
video image of the driver blowing into the analyzer and data recording
the alcohol level on his or her breath are transmitted to the company and
confirmed there by computer.
The Yomiuri Shimbun reported the new measures have motivated companies
to become more serious about preventing drivers from operating a vehicle
while intoxicated.