MLB Hall of Famer Carlton Fisk Pleads Guilty To DUI
Carlton Fisk, a former White Sox Hall of Famer, has plead guilty to misdemeanor DUI after being arrested for DUI earlier this year in New Lenox, Illinois. Fisk was arrested on October 22, 2012 after police found him passed out behind the wheel of his F-150 truck in a field. The truck was still running when police found Fisk as well as an opened bottle of vodka. The retired pitcher had apparently mixed his prescription medication with alcohol before crashing into the farm field. Carlton Fisk played for the White Sox for 13 years and was inducted into the Hall of Fame 7 years after retiring in 1993.
Fisk took responsibility for his actions and signed a guilty plea with his lawyer saying in court, “This is no pun, but he stepped up to the plate and said, ‘I want to accept responsibility for what I did’. I admire that.“. Will County Judge Bennett Braun ordered Fisk to pay $1,250 in court costs and sentenced him to a year of court supervision. Fisk will also have to attend a victim-impact panel, drug and alcohol evaluations as well as substance abuse counseling. Fisk will have his drivers license reinstated as well, since prosecutors agreed that the arrested officers gave him inaccurate warning about refusing blood alcohol tests, which he did. Another one of Fisk’s attorneys said, “He realizes that kids look up to him, and he’s a role model“.
If you have been arrested for driving drunk, contact an experienced and skilled Illinois DUI attorney for legal assistance.