An intoxicated Lubbock Texas man was arrested Sunday morning after he went on a rampage because family members refused to give him his car keys and let him drive. Michael Aaron Garcia responded by threatening several relatives, including a child, with a metal pole and damaging one of their cars with it. He then used paper and a lighter to set several small fires inside the apartment where four people lived because they said they were going to call the police.
Lubbock Police arrived on the scene around 6:00 am and found the apartment on fire. They were able to extinguish the flames before they spread. During his arrest Garcia smashed one of the squad car windows.
The incident began at 4:50 in the morning when a Texas Tech police officer pulled over Garcia and issued a citation for driving without a valid license and not having auto insurance. It is unclear why the traffic stop was initiated, and there is no record of a TX DWI investigation. The Lubbock Police cannot confirm whether Garcia was intoxicated at the time he was stopped by the campus police, however Garcia says that the officer said he would not be charged with DWI in Texas if he could get a safe ride home. Family members met Garcia at the Amigo United Supermarket shortly after.
Garcia, 20, has been charged with arson, aggravated assault, endangering a child, resisting arrest and several additional offenses.
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