Florida Man Jumps Off Bridge to Avoid DUI Arrest
A man in Florida tried jumping from a bridge to evade a DUI arrest. Late Monday night, several motorists reported a white Chevy Impala heading northbound in the southbound lane of the Seven Mile Bridge, the famous bridge in the Florida Keys that was once the longest bridge in the world. The driver reportedly side-swiped the bridge several times, causing body damage to the Chevy Impala.
Police Deputy Vincent Weiner saw the Chevy Impala heading northbound and began to follow it, but the car did an abrupt U-turn and began traveling south. Weiner flashed on his lights and the Impala stopped briefly. Suddenly, the Impala sped off and Weiner continued to follow the car, which began reaching speeds of 90 miles per hour. The car chase neared the hump of the bridge and a large, black cloud of smoke blew out from the Impala and the car began to slow down. The driver of the Impala, 45-year-old Dale A. Darosa of Massachusetts, got out of his and walked to the edge of the bridge. By this time, police Deputy Weiner was joined by Sgt. Joel Slough. The officers ordered the driver to stop and put his hands up.
Darosa ignored their requests and proceeded to hop over the railing, balance on edge, and jump. Darosa fell into the water and the current dragged him toward the old 7 Mile Bridge. This is when he began yelling for help. The Coast Guard, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission were called to search the area where Darosa jumped. Luckily, he was recovered a half mile away and was airlifted to the Ryder Trauma Center for treatment. Darosa faces charges of reckless driving, fleeing, eluding arrest, and resisting arrest.
If you have been arrested for driving drunk, contact an experienced and skilled Florida DUI attorney for legal assistance.