Montgomery County has joined a Texas Department of Public Safety special program aimed at reducing DWI. Red and yellow billboards educate and warn motorists on Interstate 45 of the dangers of driving under the influence. The signs have a picture of a wrecked vehicle involved in a fatal accident and indicate the number of alcohol and drug related vehicular deaths and injuries along the highway during 2006. Drivers are also encouraged to call 911 if they suspect a drunk driver is on the road.
The signs were paid for and installed by the Texas Department of Transportation. Similar signs were placed in Harris County two years ago along roads known to have a higher number of traffic fatalities and injuries. Nearby Galveston and Brazoria counties have expressed interest in joining the DWI awareness program.
Montgomery County has been recognized by the state for its DWI and speeding enforcement. The county sheriff’s office has received federal funds for enforcement programs and judges are on standby to authorize warrants for blood tests when motorists are suspected of driving while intoxicated. The number of Texas DWI arrests in Montgomery County has increased in each of the past three years.