High Number of Arrests for Texas DWI in Plano

The Plano Police Department recently used grant money to fund extra Texas DWI patrols. That led to 80 arrests for driving while intoxicated in Texas during the month of August.

The focus of the Texas Department of Transportation Impaired Driving Mobilization grant was to reduce highway accidents and injuries during the summer season, especially over the extended Labor Day weekend. The grant allowed for additional officers to be placed on patrol. A Plano police information officer cited the 80 DWI arrests as evidence that there still is a problem on North Texas roadways.

TxDOT provides Impaired Driving Mobilization grants four times a year, when statistics show that drunk driving in Texas is most prevalent. The four periods are the Christmas-New Year holiday, spring break, the Fourth of July and Labor Day.

Arrested for DWI in Plano? Contact a Collin County DWI Lawyer for help.

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