The Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office has indicated that the investigation into the California DUI arrest of Heather Locklear is on-going. While a spokesperson stated the investigation is nearly complete, no date was given for its completion nor was there an indication that charges would be filed.
Prosecutors are waiting for a final report that will include the results of toxicology tests. Locklear was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in Montecito on September 27. It is unusual for it to take this much time to review evidence and complete an investigation. If charges had been filed at the time of her arrest, Locklear would have had a first court date on October 27.
Alcohol was ruled out during Locklear’s arrest though she was suspected of being under the influence of a controlled substance. The Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office has indicated that the results of drug tests will not be made public, unless the case goes to trial and the evidence is entered into the public record.
If you have been arrested for drunk driving in Santa Barbara, you will need to hire a DUI lawyer in Santa Barbara.