Sparta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson

The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson

Georgia DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson

Arrested for DUI in Sparta, Georgia? At The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, we understand the gravity of DUI charges in Hancock County. With over 25 years of experience in DUI defense in Georgia, our principal attorney Sparta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson offers the expertise and legal acumen necessary for your defense of a DUI in Hancock County, Georgia. We assist individuals in Sparta and the surrounding communities of Hancock County who are facing DUI charges. Your next step is to call Sparta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for a free consultation to discuss your DUI in Hancock County, Georgia.

Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson

Whether this is your 1st DUI offense or you have previous DUI arrests in Georgia, our Sparta DUI lawyers are available to assist you 24/7. Call us now at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for a free consultation to discuss your DUI in Sparta, Georgia.

You are presumed innocent when you are arrested for DUI in Hancock County, Georgia. You have the absolute right to fight your case.

Richard Lawson's Accolades

Richard Lawson · Kimberly Berry

Case Results · Locations

We’ve Handled Nearly 5,000 DUI Cases in Georgia

Georgia DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson
The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson
Richard S. Lawson
Georgia DUI Lawyer
Hancock County, GA


With over 25 years of experience, Sparta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson has successfully resolved more than 4,900 DUI cases in Georgia. As a graduate of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Field Sobriety Test Instructor Course, he possesses the expertise to teach the administration of field sobriety tests, similar to those conducted during DUI stops in Hancock County, Georgia. If you were arrested for a DUI in Hancock County after failing or refusing a breath or blood test, Sparta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson is the Georgia DUI defense lawyer you need on your side.

If you are facing DUI charges in Sparta, you require criminal defense lawyers with deep expertise in DUI cases in Hancock County. Our Sparta DUI lawyers are dedicated exclusively to DUI defense and have committed their careers to helping clients rebuild their lives after a DUI charge in Hancock County, Georgia. We achieve outstanding results for our clients by taking every DUI case seriously and understanding the high stakes involved. You can trust us to thoroughly investigate every detail of your situation and explore every possible DUI defense strategy. Just call Sparta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for a free consultation to discuss your DUI in Hancock County, Georgia.

Types of DUI Cases We Defend in Hancock County

At The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, we address all types of DUI charges in Sparta, from child endangerment to drug-related DUIs. We also assist out-of-state clients who have been arrested for DUI while visiting Hancock County, Georgia.

Our expertise covers a wide range of DUI cases in Hancock County, Georgia including but not limited to:

  • 1st DUI in Georgia: (First Time Offender) Even first-time DUI charges in Georgia carry serious consequences, including license suspension, jail time, and hefty fines. Sparta DUI lawyer Richard Lawson and his DUI defense team can help you navigate the negotiation process and understand the implications of Georgia DUI charges in Hancock County. It’s often most effective to fight your first DUI, as doing so can prevent the severe consequences of a second DUI in Georgia.
  • 2nd DUI in Georgia: DUI convictions in Georgia typically mandate a minimum jail sentence of three days, with many sentences being longer. These charges can also result in the suspension of your driver’s license for over 12 months, and you may be required to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. It’s crucial to have a knowledgeable Sparta DUI lawyer to help you navigate the complexities of a second DUI charge. Additionally, if you are convicted of a second DUI in Georgia, a third arrest can lead to being declared a Habitual Violator.
  • 3rd DUI in Georgia: Facing a third or repeat DUI charge in Georgia can lead to being classified as a repeat offender. This designation may result in longer jail sentences, high and aggravated misdemeanor treatment, potential felony charges, extended driver’s license suspension, DUI Court, probation, and substantial fines and fees. Additionally, a third DUI conviction in Georgia will result in being declared a Habitual Violator (HV), which can prohibit you from driving for a minimum of 2 years and up to 5 years.
  • 4th DUI in Georgia: A fourth DUI in Georgia is classified as a felony. If you have been arrested for a fourth DUI in Georgia since 2008, you will face Felony DUI charges. The potential penalties include prison time and license suspension for up to 5 years. A fourth DUI in Georgia is a serious, life-changing matter. Anyone charged with a felony DUI needs immediate legal assistance. Your freedom is at stake.
  • Georgia DUI Child Endangerment: If you are arrested for DUI in Hancock County with a child under 14 in your vehicle, you may face charges of DUI – child endangerment in addition to DUI charges. These charges are very serious and often result in jail time if convicted. A significant consequence of Georgia DUI – child endangerment charges is that convictions remain on your record indefinitely and can be used against you in civil hearings, such as divorce or child custody proceedings. For each child in the car while driving under the influence, it is considered an additional DUI for punishment purposes.
  • DUI with a CDL: Both federal regulations and Georgia law set the standards for commercial disqualifications, which can revoke commercial driving privileges. These disqualifications are typically triggered by traffic-related offenses, and often, you don’t need to be driving a commercial vehicle at the time of the citation. If you hold a CDL license and receive a DUI, you could lose your CDL for one year on a first offense and face a lifetime ban for a second DUI. Protect your CDL today by calling the CDL experts at our office at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100.
  • Boating Under the Influence (BUI) in Hancock County: Boating under the influence in Hancock County can have severe consequences that impact your life. Many people are unaware that you can be charged with BUI even if you are not operating the boat but are water skiing or wakeboarding. However, there are defenses available for a BUI in Hancock County. Call 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 and speak with a DUI defense attorney who will help you achieve the best possible resolution for your boating under the influence case.
  • DUI Marijuana in Hancock County: In Hancock County, drivers are frequently charged with Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana, a serious offense with strict consequences. Even a first-time marijuana DUI offense results in a six-month driver’s license suspension with no option for a limited permit. However, not everyone who has consumed marijuana is actually impaired at the time of driving. Marijuana can stay in your system as a non-impairing metabolite for up to 30 days, meaning a failed drug test could reflect marijuana use from days or weeks prior. Contact our defense team of Sparta DUI lawyers to explore your options.
  • Habitual Violator in Georgia: You can be classified as a Habitual Violator (HV) in Georgia if you have three DUIs within a five-year period or a combination of DUIs and other serious driving offenses, such as hit and run, leaving the scene of an accident, or racing. An HV charge in Georgia can lead to up to 5 years in prison and long-term driver’s license suspensions. If you are designated as an HV in Georgia, it is crucial to contact a knowledgeable Hancock County, Georgia DUI lawyer promptly to explore your options.
  • DUI Less Safe: In Georgia, you can be charged with DUI Less Safe if you refuse a breath test, test below .08 but are still impaired, consume prescription drugs to the extent that you are unsafe to drive, consume illegal drugs to the extent that you are less safe to drive, or consume any combination of alcohol and drugs. DUI Less Safe carries the same penalties as any other DUI in Georgia and must be taken just as seriously.
  • Pedestrian Under the Influence (PUI): PUI is a misdemeanor in Georgia, and all misdemeanors can result in probation, fines, community service, and other consequences. You may also be required to undergo alcohol and drug treatment and could end up with a permanent criminal record. However, this outcome is not inevitable. By hiring dedicated Sparta DUI lawyers committed to your best defense, you can prevent a permanent criminal record. Act now to protect your rights.
  • DUI Court in Georgia: The term “DUI Court” might be confusing for some, as it doesn’t simply refer to the mandatory court appearance for those facing DUI charges. Instead, “DUI Court” is an intensive, court-run treatment program designed for repeat DUI offenders in Georgia. Supervised by the trial judge, this program involves daily intervention and treatment, as well as bi-weekly court appearances. Failure to adhere to the program’s rules can result in sanctions, ranging from additional community service to jail time. It is essentially a mandated treatment program.
  • Georgia DUI for Out-of-State Drivers: If you’re an out-of-state driver charged with a DUI in Hancock County, Georgia, it’s crucial to act quickly. Even non-residents can face driving privilege consequences in Georgia, so time is of the essence. The experienced team at the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson regularly assists out-of-state clients with Hancock County DUI cases. Keep in mind, the outcome of your Hancock County, Georgia DUI case will be reported to your home state. That’s why having the best Sparta DUI defense is essential.
  • DUI and Drugs in Georgia: DUI doesn’t only refer to alcohol. It also includes driving under the influence of illegal drugs, prescription medications, and over-the-counter drugs. If you are facing drug-related DUI charges in Hancock County, Georgia, the DUI defense team at the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson can help guide you through the process. Call the DUI defense team at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for help. The consequences for a DUI involving drugs in Hancock County can be more severe, including longer driver’s license suspensions compared to those involving alcohol.
  • Prescription Medication and DUI in Georgia: Hancock County DUI cases increasingly involve not alcohol, but prescription medications. While many are aware that over-the-counter cold and flu medications can impair driving, fewer realize that driving while taking lawfully prescribed medications can also lead to DUI charges. Law enforcement in Hancock County may deem you unsafe to drive based on their judgment, even with a valid prescription. Unlike DUI alcohol cases, where impairment levels are more clearly defined, prescription drug DUI cases often rely on the officer’s discretion. This lack of a clear standard means that prescription drug DUI charges can frequently be contested and won.
  • Minor in Possession of Alcohol – MIP: Individuals under the age of 21 should avoid consuming or attempting to purchase alcohol in Hancock County, Georgia to prevent facing complex charges and severe penalties. Offenses in Georgia can result in fines, increased insurance premiums, and the potential loss of your driver’s license, which is common for MIP (Minor in Possession) offenses in Hancock County.
  • Reckless Driving: Reckless driving is considered a serious traffic offense in Georgia and requires appearing before a judge. Usually, these offenses place four points on your Georgia driver’s license and may be penalized with up to a 12 months in jail. DUI cases in Hancock County can at times be amended to a reckless driving charge by Georgia prosecutors. The amendment to a reckless driving charge may help drivers avoid suspension of their license, which may keep them in their job or educational pursuits. However never assume that because it’s a first offense you will automatically get a reduction to reckless driving. We will investigate your case to see if the facts therein warrant a possible reduction.
  • Hit and Run in Hancock County: Being charged with hit and run in Hancock County, Georgia is one of the most serious offenses you can face. Without expert legal attention, you are at risk of severe consequences, including jail time, license suspension, probation, community service, and other penalties. If your hit and run charge is combined with a DUI, you will also lose the option for a restricted license, potentially resulting in a complete loss of driving privileges. This outcome can be avoided. Contact Richard Lawson today at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for immediate legal assistance. Your case needs a strong defense to protect your rights.
  • Hit and Run – Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Hancock County: Hit and run charges are among the most serious traffic offenses in Hancock County, Georgia. These charges can result in being classified as a habitual violator, leading to the indefinite loss of your driver’s license and significant insurance costs. Additionally, there is no option for a limited permit if charged with hit and run in Georgia. It is crucial to have your case investigated for potential defenses as soon as possible. Sparta DUI lawyer Richard Lawson and his DUI defense team have extensive experience representing individuals facing hit and run charges throughout Georgia. Often referred to as leaving the scene of an accident, this charge can result in severe punishments, including license suspension and jail time. Leaving the scene of an accident is a serious offense that requires serious legal assistance. Our Sparta DUI lawyers are here to help you with your case, aiming for a dismissal or reduction of the charge to avoid jail time and license suspension. Defending your case is essential to maintain your ability to drive.
  • Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Hancock County: In the event of an accident, some individuals may act out of nervousness and leave the scene. Leaving the scene of an accident in Hancock County, Georgia is a serious criminal offense. Often, drivers realize shortly after that they should return, but even if you return, the initial act of leaving completes the criminal offense. You can still be charged with leaving the scene while on your way back. The rule is to never leave the scene of an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Leaving the scene of an accident in Georgia requires the expertise of Sparta defense attorneys who know how to defend against this charge.
  • Accidents and Serious Injury by Vehicle in Georgia: Motor vehicle accidents causing serious bodily injury are traumatic for everyone involved. DUI cases involving such accidents are among the most serious. These circumstances can elevate a misdemeanor DUI charge to a felony DUI in Hancock County, even for a first offense. The severity of the accident and injuries can lead to harsher judgment from both judges and prosecutors.
  • Vehicular Homicide in Georgia: Vehicular homicide is a tragic situation for everyone involved and is considered one of Georgia’s most serious criminal charges. The consequences can be severe, often leading to prison even when the death was accidental. In Georgia, it is crucial to have the knowledge and experience of a defense attorney who can help you navigate the serious implications of a vehicular homicide charge.
  • Possession of Marijuana in Georgia: Drug-related DUIs in Hancock County carry their own set of charges and penalties. Many people are unaware that possessing marijuana can result in the loss of their driver’s license, even if they are not driving. Georgia takes marijuana possession cases very seriously. If you have been charged with simple possession of marijuana or other drugs, it is crucial to speak with a Hancock County marijuana lawyer immediately for guidance. Our Hancock County marijuana lawyers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 404-816-4440 or [phon2] for help.
  • Breath Tests and Blood Tests in Hancock County DUI cases: Georgia DUI arrests often rely on chemical tests of the driver’s blood, breath, or urine to determine blood alcohol content (BAC). However, these tests are not infallible and their results can be challenged in certain situations. The standard breath test used in Georgia DUI cases in Hancock County is the outdated Intox5000. Our Hancock County DUI lawyers collaborate with experts to challenge the accuracy and validity of the test results from these machines.
  • Refusal of Breath and Blood Testing in Hancock County: You might wonder why anyone would agree to submit to blood or breath tests requested by law enforcement after an arrest. Refusing these tests can help your case by preventing potentially incriminating evidence from being used against you. However, be aware that refusing the test can result in the suspension of your driver’s license for up to 12 months (or suspension of driving privileges in Georgia for out-of-state drivers), even if law enforcement is required to issue a warning. Contact our law office at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 to learn how you can keep your driving privileges intact.
  • Underage DUI in Hancock County
    Teen DUI in Hancock County: Individuals under the legal drinking age of 21 can receive a DUI even without being legally intoxicated. Drivers under 21 can be charged with driving under the influence if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.02% or higher. If convicted of an underage DUI offense, you will face serious penalties, including driver’s license suspension and possible incarceration.
  • Juvenile DUI in Hancock County: In Georgia, you are considered an adult for criminal law purposes once you reach the age of 17. Therefore, if you are 17 or older, your DUI case will be handled in adult court. However, if you are under 17 at the time of your arrest, your case will be adjudicated in a Georgia Juvenile Court in Hancock County where the arrest occurred. The procedures in juvenile court are entirely different from those in adult court. All parties involved—the District Attorney, the Judge, and your Defense attorney—must act in the best interest of the minor. It’s crucial to find a DUI defense attorney who understands the unique aspects of handling DUI cases involving juveniles.
  • Georgia Youthful Offenders: Handling cases involving young individuals charged with a crime requires special attention and care. The laws for those under 21 differ from those for individuals over 21, and the consequences can vary as well. Special care is essential because these cases can impact a young person’s entire life and future. Our DUI defense attorneys have extensive experience with the juvenile courts throughout Georgia and with drivers aged 17 to 21. It’s crucial to hire defense attorneys who understand the unique circumstances of Georgia youthful offenders.
  • Georgia ALS Hearings: If you fail to request an administrative license suspension hearing within 30 days of your Georgia DUI arrest, your driver’s license will likely be suspended. Our Sparta DUI lawyers are prepared to draft appeal letters and represent you at hearings to help you retain your driving privileges. Ensure your 30-Day Letter is filed today by calling our office at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100.
  • Violation of Probation in Georgia: Probation for a DUI or drug related offense in Georgia can be tedious. For these charges, probation may include alcohol restriction, mandatory participation in a risk reduction alcohol program, community service, fines and other charges, and more depending upon the nature of the conviction. Violation of probation is often left to the discretion of the probation officer. If you have been charged with violating your probation, our Hancock County DUI defense attorneys can help you find the resolution you need to stay on track.
  • Field Sobriety Tests in Hancock County: In Georgia, law enforcement typically asks you to undergo one or more field sobriety tests in DUI cases in Hancock County. Along with a series of questions, officers perform three standard method tests. These tests are often recorded by the patrol car’s dash cam, allowing for detailed analysis of the officer’s conduct and the administration of the tests. Our Hancock County DUI lawyers are well-versed in the standards of DUI field sobriety tests and can identify any inconsistencies or improper procedures during the tests.
  • DUI Roadblocks in Hancock County: In Hancock County, roadblocks can be set up in accordance with state law, the Georgia Constitution, and the United States Constitution. Specific guidelines, such as the location, date, and time, must be followed. These checkpoints are often used to enforce DUI laws. However, being stopped at a roadblock does not mean there is no defense available. In fact, there are many defenses for DUI cases originating from a roadblock. Contact an experienced Sparta DUI lawyer at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 to begin investigating your case.
  • Suspended License: Are you struggling to get your license reinstated and currently dealing with a suspended license? You’re not alone! Contact Sparta DUI lawyer Richard Lawson and his DUI defense team today at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 to help you get back on track. We can assist you in appealing your DUI-related driver’s license suspension, helping you return to work and school. If you have been arrested for Driving on a Suspended License, you could face jail time and further suspension of your license. Our Sparta DUI lawyers can help break the cycle of having a suspended license.
  • Prior DUI Convictions in Georgia: If you are facing second, third, or even fourth DUI charges, it is crucial to seek the guidance of a Sparta DUI lawyer immediately. Only a knowledgeable and experienced DUI defense attorney can navigate these charges and work to minimize the penalties. Individuals with DUI convictions in the past 10 years in Georgia who are arrested for a subsequent DUI offense may face prison time and a felony record. All prior convictions can be used to enhance and increase the severity of the punishment. Contrary to popular belief, DUI convictions in Georgia do not come off your record and can always be used against you.
  • Related Offenses: Almost every DUI case that does not involve a roadblock or roadside checkpoint involves some other related offense. Common related offenses include but are not limited to speeding, failure to maintain lane, reckless driving, following to closely, racing, hit and run, and leaving the scene of an accident. Of course, the related traffic offense can be any traffic offense listed in Title 40 of the Georgia Criminal Code. Committing a related offense does not mean you are guilty of DUI in Hancock County. You can fight your case and should look at all possible defenses to the DUI in Hancock County and any related offenses.
  • Appealing a DUI Conviction in Georgia: If you have been convicted for a DUI in Georgia, you have a limited time to file your appeal. You need an appellate expert with extensive experience in appealing DUI convictions in Georgia. If you don’t file your motion for a new trial and/or appeal within 30 days of your conviction, you may forfeit your right to challenge the conviction at the Georgia Court of Appeals or, if there is a constitutional issue, at the Georgia Supreme Court. Call 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 now to start the appeals process. The 30-day deadline will expire quickly, and your conviction will become final.

We understand the serious and lasting impact these alcohol charges can have on your life, both criminally and financially. That’s why we dedicate ourselves to protecting your rights. If you’re uncertain about needing a Sparta DUI lawyer, our DUI defense team offers a free consultation to assess your legal situation.

We will guide you through the entire DUI process in Hancock County, Georgia, from the arrest to deciding between a plea bargain and a trial, and any post-trial relief you may need. We are committed to supporting you and providing the help you need. If you are charged with DUI in Hancock County, hiring Richard Lawson as your Sparta DUI defense lawyer promptly is in your best interest. Just call 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for a free consultation to discuss your DUI defense in Hancock County, Georgia.

Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson

Arrested Over a Holiday Weekend in Sparta, Georgia?
We can take your case right away and appear in Hancock County Court for you on Tuesday morning. Don’t let a DUI arrest in Hancock County pull you away from work, school or your other responsibilities. Call 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for a free consultation to discuss your recent DUI arrest in Hancock County, Georgia.

In Georgia You Only Have 30 Days to Save Your License

Did you know you have only thirty days to challenge the automatic suspension of your driver’s license after a DUI arrest in Hancock County, Georgia? By working with Sparta DUI lawyer Richard Lawson and his legal team, you’ll receive representation at your Administrative License Suspension (ALS) hearing to fight for the protection of your driving privileges. DUI defense lawyer Richard Lawson brings extensive experience in this specialized area of law, along with a background as a former DUI prosecutor in Georgia. To get started with your ALS hearing call 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for a free consultation to discuss saving your drivers license from a suspension in Hancock County, Georgia.

Challenging Evidence in Your DUI Case in Hancock County, Georgia

Georgia enforces strict laws for Driving Under the Influence in Sparta and Impaired Drivers in Hancock County. You will face severe prosecution and penalties for either drunk driving charge. However, this doesn’t mean that accused drivers are without defense options. Law enforcement officers in Hancock County must have probable cause to stop and arrest you, and they must follow proper procedures. No exceptions. Our Sparta DUI defense lawyers meticulously investigate and challenge every aspect of your drunk driving charge to ensure your rights are protected and to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Call Sparta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for a free consultation to discuss your DUI defense strategies in Hancock County, Georgia.

Call Sparta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson Today

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence in Sparta, Georgia, don’t to contact our firm immediately. A DUI conviction in Hancock County, Georgia can impact your driving privileges and leave a lasting mark on your criminal record. Potential penalties include imprisonment, hefty fines, and community service. Fortunately, you have many defense options available for your DUI in Hancock County, Georgia.

At The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, we concentrate on challenging the evidence against you. We can contest inaccurate blood alcohol readings, faulty breath tests, unlawful police stops, and other evidence in your DUI case. Our firm has a proven track record of success in reducing or dismissing our clients’ DUI charges using these strategies.

Take action now to protect your future. Call Sparta DUI lawyer Richard Lawson today at 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 for a consultation to discuss your DUI defense strategies in Hancock County, Georgia.

Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson

  • More than 25 years of experience with Georgia DUI laws and in the Georgia DUI court system
  • Former Georgia DUI Prosecutor with extensive experience from both sides of the courtroom
  • Over 4,900 DUI cases successfully resolved in Georgia
  • Exclusively Devoted to DUI Defense
  • Thorough understanding of the science behind the breath and blood test evidence used in DUI cases in Hancock County, Georgia
  • Richard Lawson is a highly-skilled, Emory Law School trained Sparta DUI lawyer
  • NHTSA Field Sobriety Test Instructor Course Graduate
  • Richard Lawson is ready to review the evidence in your DUI charge and prepare an aggressive defense in the Hancock County court system

Law Offices in 6 Convenient Locations


Meet Richard Lawson, Your Dedicated DUI Defense Attorney

Unlike other DUI defense attorneys, Richard S. Lawson is fully dedicated to defending DUI cases. With over 25 years of experience solely in DUI defense, he has an exceptional understanding of this legal field. He has successfully resolved more than 4,900 cases and led hundreds of DUI trials and motions in Georgia. His dedication has helped many clients get their charges reduced or dismissed.

Mr. Lawson graduated from Emory University’s School of Law, where he excelled in mock trial competitions. He started his legal career as a DUI prosecutor, learning the strategies used to convict DUI defendants and the common weaknesses in these cases. This experience now benefits his clients as he uses his knowledge from both sides of the courtroom to provide top-notch defense.

Mr. Lawson is recognized as an effective lawyer and skilled negotiator. Licensed to practice in all trial courts in the greater Atlanta area and North Georgia, he also instructs other attorneys on winning DUI cases. He is a certified instructor for standardized field sobriety testing and can teach law enforcement officers how to properly identify impaired drivers.

He has published several works on DUI defense, including “Investigations in DUI Cases” and “Opening Statement and Voir Dire.” His practice areas include felony DUI, drug-related offenses, habitual offender cases, DUI with serious accidents, child endangerment, drugged driving, and vehicular homicide.

Mr. Lawson also represents clients in Administrative License Suspension (ALS) hearings. If you are facing DUI charges and need help protecting your driving privileges and staying out of jail, Mr. Lawson is the attorney you want on your side. He has the experience, knowledge, and skills to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Unsure about taking your case to trial? He is also skilled in plea bargain negotiations.

Meet Kimberly Berry, Dedicated DUI Defense Attorney

After graduating from the University of Georgia, Kimberly Berry earned her law degree from Vanderbilt University School of Law as a dean’s scholar. She began her legal career as a public defender and gained recognition from the Georgia Public Defender Standards Council Honors program for her strong advocacy in court. She is qualified to practice in juvenile, state, recorders, municipal, and superior courts, as well as the Georgia Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of Georgia. She also handles criminal defense cases in the Northern District.

Recently, Ms. Berry completed a training program and is now certified in impaired driver detection and standardized field sobriety testing, the same training that police officers receive. She works with DUI expert witnesses and continually educates herself on the latest DUI detection and technology developments.

Ms. Berry has successfully represented hundreds of clients in both felony and misdemeanor cases, with extensive experience in alcohol-impaired and drugged driving defense. She conducts hearings and motions throughout Georgia, providing aggressive representation to her clients. She has helped clients with license suspension and revocation cases, always striving to achieve the best possible outcomes. As a skilled negotiator, she fights for fair plea bargains or charge reductions.

Each year, innocent drivers are overzealously charged with DUI or drugged driving. Ms. Berry is dedicated to defending those wrongfully accused, helping clients fight probation violation allegations, DUI charges, child endangerment charges, vehicular homicide allegations, and more. If you’ve been accused of impaired driving, Kimberly Berry can help you stay out of jail. Schedule a free case consultation with the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson today.

Georgia DUI Case Results

Reviews by Actual Clients of
The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson

Rating: 10 out of 10 based on 10 reviews5 Star Review
DUI and 4 counts of DUI Child EndangermentDUI and 4 counts of DUI Child Endangerment ☆ All 4 child endangerment charges were reduced to city ordinance violations

This case was in Helen Municipal Court. The client was charged with a DUI and four counts of DUI Child Endangerment. In Georgia, for every child under the age of 14 in a vehicle it is considered a separate DUI offense. The client would have been declared an habitual violator from one arrest and would have had a 5-year license suspension. The result was all four child endangerment charges were reduced to city ordinance violations. The client received no jail-time, and left with a permit to drive.


DUI, Failure to Maintain Lane & Open ContainerDUI, Failure to Maintain Lane & Open Container ☆ Reduced to Reckless Driving

Client is a business professional who was charged with DUI, failure to maintain her lane and open container. She took a breath test and blew above the legal limit. The client's case was reduced to reckless driving allowing her to keep full driving privileges. She served no additional jail time. Client was extremely pleased with the outcome!


DUI Charges DismissedDUI Charges Dismissed ☆ Outcome: DUI Dismissed

The client was charged with DUI and Impeding Traffic. The charges were dismissed after winning a motion hearing on the issue of the traffic stop. The judge found that the officer had no reason to stop the client's vehicle when he was driving 20 mph below the speed limit because it was still a lawful rate of speed and did not give the officer reason to suspect DUI.

Defendant (Richard's party) vs. State of Georgia

DUI, Reckless Driving, & Speeding 37 MPH over the speed limitDUI, Reckless Driving, & Speeding 37 MPH over the speed limit ☆ DUI Dismissed

Client was a resident of New York who was arrested while he was visiting Georgia for pleasure. He was charged with DUI, Reckless Driving, and Speeding 37 MPH over the speed limit. We were able to get the client an unbelievable outcome in Hampton Georgia Municipal Court. His DUI was dismissed, his speeding ticket was reduced to Too Fast for Conditions (a zero point offense) and he pled guilty to reckless driving. We were able to keep him driving and avoided a license suspension. The client received no additional jail time, no probation, no community service, and only had to pay a fine. The client was extremely pleased.


Police Officer charged with DUI (Refusal of Breath Test)Police Officer charged with DUI (Refusal of Breath Test) ☆ Reduced to Reckless Driving

Client is a police officer. He was charged with DUI and refused the State breath test. His case was reduced to reckless driving and he received non-reporting probation upon completion of the terms of his sentence.


Blood Test Ruled InadmissibleBlood Test Ruled Inadmissible ☆ Outcome: DUI reduced to Reckless Driving

The charge was reduced to Reckless Driving after the court ruled the blood test would be inadmissible at trial because the test was not performed within 3 hours of the officer stopping the client's vehicle for speeding.

Defendant (Richard's party) vs. State of Georgia

Judge found no evidence to support officer's claimJudge found no evidence to support officer's claim ☆ Outcome: DUI dismissed

The charge was dismissed after a motion hearing where the judge found there was no evidence to support the officer's claim that the client was driving erratically and made an illegal U-turn.

Defendant (Richard's party) vs. State of Georgia

CDL DriverCDL Driver ☆ Outcome: DUI reduced to Reckless Driving

The client was a commercial driver (CDL) with a second lifetime DUI. He was facing a lifetime revocation of his CDL license. The case was reduced to Reckless Driving and the CDL was saved.

Defendant (Richard's party) vs. State of Georgia

.188 Breath Test.188 Breath Test ☆ Outcome: "Not Guilty"

The client was charged with DUI (second offense). The jury heard two DUI cases against the client. The client was .188 on the breath test. She was seen impaired in a parking lot of a convenience store. A concerned customer called the police. Several witnesses saw her at the store. In spite of the strong evidence against her, the jury found her "NOT GUILTY" of DUI.

Defendant (Richard's party) vs. State of Georgia

Suspended Drivers LicenseSuspended Drivers License ☆ Case Dismissed

Client was charged with a suspended license because he did not reinstate his privilege to drive after the expiration of his restricted license. Per my advice, the client properly reinstated his license the day after he was charged. Case Dismissed in Cobb County State Court.


All cases are unique on their own merit. Each case result listed above is no guarantee of your potential outcome.

Law Office of Richard S. Lawson
Georgia DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson
The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson
Georgia DUI Lawyer
Hancock County, GA


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Did you know if you are charged with a DUI in Georgia, you have only 30 days to decide whether to appeal your automatic license suspension or install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. It's crucial to consult with a top-rated Georgia DUI defense attorney before making this decision. The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson are available 24/7 because your problems shouldn't have to wait until Monday morning. Your best defense begins here. Call 404-816-4440 or 770-641-0100 to get help now!

DUI Attorneys and Lawyers