Former GOP Chairman Michael Schroeder Arrested For DUI

Former GOP Chairman Michael Schroeder Arrested For DUI

michael schroederMichael Schroeder, a former GOP chairman in California was arrested for suspicion of DUI on November 1, 2012. The 56 year-old former chairman was pulled over after police saw him weaving in and out of lanes on the 55 Freeway at around 3:30 in the morning. When the officer questioned Schroeder, he suspected DUI when he noticed Schroeder displayed several symptoms of alcohol intoxication such as slurred speech, an odor of alcohol and glassy, watery eyes. The officer then gave Schroeder a series of field sobriety tests, which the former chairman failed. Schroeder was arrested at the scene and given a blood alcohol test at the police station before being cited and released.

The DUI case was then forwarded to the California attorney general’s office. Michael Schroeder has been an influential figure in Orange County politics, while his wife, Susan, is a chief of staff at the county district attorney’s office. The details of the arrest have not been made public and the spokesperson for the California Highway patrol office has not responded to requests for the information. Throughout the years, Schroeder has been heavily involved in the republican party and was also an adviser to the former Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona. Carona is currently in federal prison after being convicted of witness tampering.

If you have been arrested for driving drunk, contact an experienced and skilled California DUI attorney for legal assistance.

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