Walter Jacobson, former Fox News anchor for the Chicagoland area and a member of the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame, was charged with driving under the influence in Illinois on Wednesday night after hitting a parked car. Jacobson was near his Lincoln Park home at the time of the incident.
Jacobson, 70, had attended a media party near his home Wednesday evening. Around 10:45 pm a witness called police to report a vehicle swerving and hitting a parked car. The vehicle and driver description, as well as the license plate number, led police to Jacobson. A few minutes later Chicago Police found Jacobson and his 2004 Saab in an alley behind his home. The right front wheel was damaged and the car was inoperable. Jacobson and several other people were outside the vehicle, which was not running; two points Jacobson’s Illinois DUI defense attorney plans to use to challenge the arrest.
A breath test reportedly registered a blood alcohol content of .092, above the legal limit for intoxication. Jacobson was charged with misdemeanor Illinois DUI.
Jacobson was charged with drunk driving in Chicago in 2004, though his BAC was slightly below the legal limit and the charges were reduced to negligent driving, obstruction of traffic and running a stop sign. In exchange, he agreed to undergo alcohol abuse evaluation.
Jacobson declined to comment on the recent charge of Illinois drunk driving.
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