DUI Suspect Harrasses Arresting Officer on Twitter
Khalil Jaser of Burlingame was arrested on July 28 on suspicion of misdemeanor DUI, and two days after his arrest he began tweeting his frustration; his tweets included statesments such as, “Officer Robert Guayadacan come clean…Brisbane police should hire a 100000 officers” and “I am dead serious, you have 24 hours….or else!!”. He also left seven threatening voicemails on the officer’s phone, alledgedly telling the officer that he “better not go to work” and “Boom, you’re dead motherf—–.” The harrassed officer supposedly called Jaser on Sept. 5 and asked him what he meant by his threats, to which Jaser allegedly replied that he knew what he meant. Following their conversation, Jaser reportedly began a three-week influx of calls and messages to the officer. Jaser allegedly called the officer 152 times total and left 54 messages.
Jaser is now going to trial for harassment, threats, and resisting arrest charges. He did not appear for his court date which resulted in San Mateo County Judge Jonathan Karesh to issue a $150,000 bench warrant. Jaser last tweeted, “I love the song of freedom and flying fish in the gulf,” on January 25.
If you have been arrested for driving drunk, contact an experienced and skilled California DUI attorney for legal assistance.