Drunk Driver Causes Two Wrong-way Accidents In Fort Worth
Dallas Morning News reported that this morning Fort Worth police officials were involved in a very dramatic chase on Fort Worth’s I-35W Highway. They chased drunk driver, Jessica Roseman, with emergency lights flashing and public address system blaring, “all to no avail.” The news source stated that police officials were able to finally stop her with a stop stick, which flattened one of her front tires, causing her to crash into an abandoned police car stationed on the highway as a roadblock.
Police officials started the chase approximately around 3 a.m. after receiving various calls that a driver in a brown Ford Taurus was southbound in a northbound lane of the South Freeway. Roseman, who was speeding the wrong-way at 90 mph with her lights off, caused two car accidents. In the first crash, a white passenger car veered out of the Taurus’ way to avoid a head-on collision and hit a retaining wall. It was determined that one of the victims received minor injuries and another had a bloody nose and chest pains, both were sent to the hospital. Next, the Taurus side-swiped a blue Chevy Suburban near East Berry Street. Luckily, nobody received any injuries in this crash.
The chase ended after police officials, who were patrolling from a helicopter and contacted Burleson police, put down spikes on the freeway to flatten the vehicle’s tires. It was reported that Roseman did not receive any injuries, but was still taken to the hospital for several blood alcohol content tests.
If you have been arrested for driving drunk, contact an experienced and skilled Texas DWI attorney for legal assistance.