Dr. Richard Lundeen slammed into the rear of a vehicle slowed by a previous accident. Lt. Mike Nielson with the Indianapolis Police said the doctor was very impaired, but the extent astounded everyone.
A sample of Lundeen’s blood, taken at a hospital two hours after the accident, indicated a blood-alcohol content of 0.46. That is nearly six times the legal BAC limit.
That much alcohol in the bloodstream can be lethal, and it certainly refuted Lundgeen’s claim that he had consumed just one beer. Officer Nielson reflected, “I would not be conscious.”
Lundeen’s blood alcohol content was so elevated that he remained hospitalized until the next morning. Even then, 12 hours after the accident, his BAC was 0.24, or three times the legal limit.
Dr. Lundeen faces an Indiana DUI charge that will carry a more severe penalty for having a BAC above 0.15.