Carolyn Walker, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, knew she had had too much of a good time at the Mohegan Sun Casino, so she wisely called AAA and arranged for a tow truck to take her and her car home.
Unfortunately she didn’t know when to leave well enough alone. During the drive to her house, the 49-year old became agitated, launched into a verbal tirade, banged on the dash of the truck and asked the driver to stop the truck so she ‘could get a joint out of her car.’
The tow truck operator, Andrew Mineo, felt unsafe and stopped to remove Walker’s car from the truck. Police were summoned to the scene. Because of Walker’s disruptive behavior and obscenity laced ‘colorful phrases’, the owner of the tow truck refused to take her the rest of the way home. Walker admitted to having called for the tow truck because she was drunk, but since she was not operating a vehicle under the influence, police left the scene as Walker walked off for some coffee.
Then about three hours later police received a report of a vehicle being driven erratically. Walker was found behind the wheel and
arrested for DUI. A search of Walker’s car turned up empty beer bottles, a partially consumed bottle of brandy, marijuana and
In addition to the being charged with a Connecticut DUI, Walker was charged with several drug violations. She posted a $500 bail bond, but her night was not over yet. She was taken to a nearby hospital for observation and evaluation.