Connecticut Man Caught Drinking Beer At DUI Checkpoint

David Caruso
David Caruso Caught Drinking Beer At DUI Checkpoint

Police officers in Vernon, Connecticut were in for quite the surprise when they caught a man driving through their DUI checkpoint, drinking beer. 51 year-old David Caruso(not the famous Hollywood actor) was arrested on August 4th when he strolled through the checkpoint drinking a beer. Saying this was a stupid decision might be an understatement, however, Caruso has had his driver’s license suspended for drunk driving before. It is still uncertain what Caruso was drinking beer out of or if he tried to hide the beer at all and how police identified the beer.

Apparently, Caruso hadn’t drank much beer or maybe chose a relatively weak beer because police didn’t have enough evidence to arrest him for DUI since his blood alcohol level was below the legal limit of .08%. Instead, he was charged with drinking while driving, operating an unregistered vehicle and operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license. Caruso was released from jail after posting $2,500 bail.

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