Assemblyman Paul Moriarty Denies New Jersey DWI Charges

Paul Moriarty, New Jersey AssemblymanPaul Moriarty, New Jersey Assemblyman

Paul Moriarty, a New Jersey State Assemblyman and former Mayor of Washington Township faces charges for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) after being pulled over late Tuesday afternoon. In addition to being charged with DWI, he also faces charges for refusing to submit a Breathalyzer test. Moriarty denies that he was drunk and insists that the officer was simply abusing his power. He also says that after disagreeing with the officer about cutting him off at an intersection, which was the initial reason for the stop, he was asked to step out of the vehicle and perform field sobriety tests. He states, “Let me be clear: I had consumed no alcoholic beverages, and this entire episode was an abuse of power”.

What makes the DWI case more interesting is that the arresting officer has been fired from the department once before because he allegedly lied during an internal investigation, but was later reinstated by court order. Moriarty and his attorney are considering filing a complaint against the officer, but no decision has been made yet. The assemblyman is due in court on the August 8th where a judge will decide whether or not the arresting officer had probable cause after Moriarty refused to submit to a breathalyzer.

If you have been arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), call a skilled New Jersey DWI attorney before it’s too late.

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