Ad Campaign Targets Illinois DUI With 'Loser' Image

DUI Loser ImageThe Illinois Department of Traffic Safety has unveiled a new anti-drunk driving ad campaign that is very graphic and hard hitting.The theme states that “all it takes is one DUI to scar your life”, and it features images of people with the word “loser” seared onto their bodies.

It is hoped that the unappealing visual will cause motorists to think twice before driving under the influence in Illinois. The “loser” campaign starts on the advent of a new, strict Illinois DUI law. On January 1 anyone convicted of drunk driving in Illinois will be required to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicle if they wish to retain their driving privileges. The device disables the vehicle if a breath sample contains alcohol above a pre-set limit. Such an effort to reduce DUI have been gaining favor in states and are being pushed politically by anti-drunk driving advocacy groups. Evidence shows that the overwhelming majority of drivers accused of driving under the influence never repeat the offense. More moderate voices say that focusing on the small percentage of chronic drunk drivers is a more effective way of reducing the problem of drunk driving, and that the effort should include alcohol rehabilitation.

The ad campaign was developed by a Chicago ad agency and it will be distributed via television, radio and on-line.

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