A Good DUI Bibliography

DUI Bibliography

I found this on the Internet and as soon as I remember the ‘source’
I’ll give credit to whomever made this up! …it was so good I wanted to
put it up right away.

Reduce Drunk Driving for Everyone’s Sake.

1 Jacobsen, P. – (American journal of public health. 06/01/96)

2 (The reader’s digest. 06/01/96)
Drunk Driving: A License to Kill.

3 Mastrofski, Stephen – (Justice quarterly : jq 06/01/96)
Police Training and the Effects of Organization on D..

4 Brown, Robert W. – (Southern economic journal. 04/01/96)
Endogenous Alcohol Prohibition and Drunk Driving.

5 IMiyoshi, Stephanie – (Loyola of Los Angeles law review.
Is the DUI double-Jeopardy Defense D.O.A.?

6 Applegate, Brandon K (Justice quarterly : jq 03/01/96)
Determinants of Public Punitiveness Toward Drunk Dri…

7 Gilchrist, Stephen (The solicitors’ journal 02/09/96)
Crime Reporter.

8 (The news media & the law. Fall 95 )

9 (The Bottom line on alcohol in soc… Sum 95 )
Alcohol Industry Escapes Criticism at Drunk Driving

10 (The Bottom line on alcohol in soc… Sum 95 )
Zero Tolerance in One Approach, but Coors Says There…

11 (Wayne law review. Spr 95 )
Drunk Driving as Second-Degree Murder in Michigan.

12 (University of Dayton law review. Spr 95 )
On a Collision Course: Procedural Due Process and Oh…

13 Sines, Nina J. (Wisconsin lawyer : official publ… 12/01/95)
Double Jeopardy: A New Tool in the Arsenal of Drunk

14 Hernandez, A. C. R. (Journal of studies on alcohol. 07/01/95)
Types of Drunk-Driving Intervention: Prevalence, Suc…

15 Taylor, Lawrence (Trial. 06/01/95)
Drunk Driving License Suspensions.

16 Graham, Sandy (Traffic safety. … 05/01/95)
Do Police Take Drunk Driving Seriously?

17 Applegate, Brandon K (Crime & delinquency. 04/01/95)
Public Support for Drunk-Driving Countermeasures: So…

18 (Restaurant business. 03/01/95)
The Waiter Made Me Do It.

19 (Juvenile and family law digest. 02/01/95)
Parent Child – Generally.

20 Yu, J. (Journal of studies on alcohol. 01/01/95)
Drunk-Driving Recidivism: Predicting Factors from Ar…

21 Kauffman, Myles A. (Widener journal of public law. 1995 )
The Coming Of Subsection (A)(5) of Pennsylvania’s Dr…

22 (The Bottom line on alcohol in soc… Wint 94 )
USA Weekend Magazine Reveals Results of Annual Back-…

23 (The Bottom line on alcohol in soc… Wint 94 )
A Challenge to Current Thinking about Drunk Driving….

24 (The Bottom line on alcohol in soc… Fall 94 )
Drunk Driving: Still a Killer.

25 Kroeker, Bernhard (Guidance & counselling. Fall 94 )
Grief, Anger, Social Action: Experiences of the Wind…

26 (The Bottom line on alcohol in soc… Fall 94 )
Quadriplegic Jockey at the Center of Drunk Driving C…

27 Kedjidjian, Catherin (Family safety and health. Sum 94 )
Sober facts about drunk or drugged driving.

28 (Temple law review. Sum 94 )
Criminal Procedure – Pennsylvania’s Overwhelming Nee…

29 (The Bottom line on alcohol in soc… Sum 94 )
Ice beer sweeping the market and higher alcohol cont…

30 Haines, Martin L. (St. Thomas law review. Spr 94 )
Under The Influence: Responses Of The New Jersey Sup…

31 Cochran Jr., Robert (South Carolina law review. Wint 94 )
“Good Whiskey,” Drunk Driving, and Innocent Bystande…

32 Little, Robert (Journal of alcohol and drug educa… Wint 94
Young, Drunk, Dangerous and Driving: Underage Drinki… **FAX 1HR*

33 Husak, Douglass N. (Philosophy & public affairs. Wint 94
Is Drunk Driving a Serious Offense?

34 Hickey, Mary C. (Ladies’ home journal. 12/01/94)
Asleep At the Wheel.

35 Peck, R. C. (Journal of studies on alcohol. 11/01/94)

36 Wolfinger, Nicholas (Journal of applied social psychol…
Reexamining Personal and Situational Factors in Drun…

37 Valera, Eve M. (Journal of applied social psychol…
Parent and Teen Perceptions Regarding Parental Effor… **FAX 1HR*

38 Mullahy, John (Economic inquiry. 07/01/94)
Do Drinkers Know When to Say When? An Empirical Anal…

39 Griffin, Katherine (Health. … 07/01/94)
MASS Again.

40 (Safetyline 07/01/94)
Navy Releases Drunk-Driving Video Tape.

41 Nolan, Yola (Psychological assessment. … 03/01/94)
Personality and drunk driving: identification of DUI… **FAX 1HR*

42 (Restaurant business. 01/01/94)

43 Davis, Kirsten K. (Ohio state law journal. 1994 )
Ohio’s New Administrative License Suspension for Dru…

44 Yu, Jiang (Journal of criminal justice. … 1994 )
Punishment Celerity and Severity: Testing a Specific… **FAX 1HR*

45 Rubin, Elizabeth F. (University of cincinnati law revi… 1994
Trying To Be Reasonable About Drunk Driving: Individ…

46 Klitzner, M. (The American journal of drug and … 1994 )
A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Students Against

47 Stacy, Alan W. (Health psychology : the official… 1994 )
Attitudes and Health Behavior in Diverse Populations…

48 (The Bottom line on alcohol in soc… Wint 93 )
Ignition interlock system catching on as deterrant t…

49 Neustrom, M.W. (Journal of safety research. … Sum 93 )
The Impact of Drunk Driving Legislation in Louisiana… **FAX 1HR*

50 O’Neil, Shannon (Honolulu. 12/01/93)
DUI Gridlock.

51 (The Reader’s digest. 12/01/93)
Drunk Driving: A License to Kill.

52 Thurman, Quint (Social science research. 09/01/93)
Drunk-Driving Research and Innovation: A Factorial S…

53 Rehm, C. G. (Annals of emergency medicine. 08/01/93)
Failure of the Legal System to Enforce Drunk Driving…

54 Smith, Chris (New York. 07/19/93)
The Worst Crimes of ’93 (So Far).

55 Kenkel, D.S. (Journal of health economics. 07/01/93)
Do drunk drivers pay their way? a note on optimal pe…

56 Davis, Susan (Step-by-step graphics. 07/01/93)
Graphic Themes From Thin Air: See how, year after ye…

57 Kenkel, D. S. (Journal of health economics. 06/01/93)
Do drunk drivers pay their way? A note on optimal pe…

58 Humphrey, Richard S. (Rhode Island bar journal [microf… 05/93
Punishment Before Conviction – The Effect of Automat…

59 Nack, William (Sports illustrated. 04/19/93)
From Fame To Shame: Bill Shoemaker, a casualty of hi…

60 Head, William C. (Trial … 03/01/93)
Five Myths About Defending Accused Drunk Drivers.

61 (Safetyline 03/01/93)
Motor Vehicles.

62 Grasmick, Harold G. (Criminology. … 02/01/93)
Reduction in Drunk Driving as a Response to Increase…

63 Pangman, William A. (Wisconsin lawyer : official publ… 02/93
New Law’s `Get Tough’ Provisions Fall Short of the M…

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